
Employee Attitude Survey

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An employee attitude survey, also called an employee opinion survey, is a tool used by employers to measure employees' attitudes about their workplace environment. Its general purpose is to pinpoint problems and make improvements within the company or organization, with the goal of enhancing employee morale and productivity. An employee attitude survey might be given to measure employee satisfaction, to identify training and development needs, to improve communications between managers and employees and for various other reasons.[1]

Employee Attitude Survey: Uses[2] An Employee Attitude Survey provides an understanding how how the employee perceives the organization and work groups. Uses for Employee Attitude Surveys include:

This process can also be a motivator of performance since it shows the employee that their opinions and views are considered important.

Topics in an Employee Attitude Survey[3]

Employee opinion surveys are a valuable tool for identifying the root causes of employee turnover and job dissatisfaction. Some of the topics that can be covered in an employee attitude survey include:

Benefits of using employee attitude surveys[4]

  • Identify problems and issues: The employee attitude survey discloses how employees feel towards the company and reveals the causes of several problems, such as high absenteeism, fast turnover, conflicts and disputes within the organization, and low employee satisfaction. From the online survey results, management can determine the steps necessary to address those issues, improve employee morale, and increase productivity.
  • Assess your policies: Going directly to the employees to ask what they think can help management assess the results of past and present activities, the impacts of certain decisions, and the effectiveness of policies and practices. Lessons can be extracted from the employees’ responses to serve as springboards for future efforts on planning and strategy development.
  • Boost and maintain employee morale: Employee attitude surveys provide information on the sources of morale and guides management on how best to motivate employees, stimulate dialogues, promote commitment, and improve job satisfaction. They also enable the company to respond promptly to changing circumstances in the workforce and maintain control by giving indications on how employees are likely to react to any changes implemented.
  1. Definition - What is an Employee Attitude Survey? Wisegeek
  2. What are the Uses for Employee Attitude Surveys? HR Survey
  3. What are the Topics that should be covered in an employee opinion survey? Prime Pay
  4. What are the Benefits of using employee attitude surveys? Smart Survey