
IT Enabled Innovation

Revision as of 02:09, 4 January 2019 by User (talk | contribs) (IT-enabled innovation comes in many flavors. It can mean using advanced analytics to improve decision-making, employing digital technologies to retool manufacturing, and harnessing mobile capabilities to improve marketing, to name just a few.)

Almost everywhere technology is evolving from a functional silo to a foundation for breakthrough innovation in products, services, and business models. Advances in technology platforms ranked as the most important factor driving innovation. IT-enabled innovation comes in many flavors. It can mean using advanced analytics to improve decision-making, employing digital technologies to retool manufacturing, and harnessing mobile capabilities to improve marketing, to name just a few. The crux in all cases is the creation of a platform that can be leveraged repeatedly to deliver impact. In our experience, technology platforms can bring benefits in at least four areas: cost and timeline reduction, often though automation; business transformation; the enhancement of process; and, most significant, business model innovation through the creation of new types of products and services.[1]


  1. What is IT Enabled Innovation? BCG.Perspectives