
Organizational Management

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What is Organizational Management?

Organizational Management is a management activity that aims to fulfill the company’s goal by handling adequately all the processes and resources available. It is a discipline whose main objective is to plan, organize and execute activities that achieve the company’s pre-established aspirations. Organizational Management is a concept wide enough to cover an entire organization. It is also an activity that is normally carried out by senior executives, that have a broad knowledge and influence throughout the entire organization. This activity is frequently guided by a set of goals that must be achieved in order to fulfill the company’s long-term vision. By managing all the available resources properly, the administrators can guide the company toward these goals. These resources include financial resources, staff, facilities, business relationships, knowledge, processes, and techniques that are part of the company’s assets, either tangible or intangible. Most academics agree that organizational management deals with four main stages: planning, organizing, leading, and controlling. Planning and organizing refer to all activities carried as preparation for what will be done. Leading is executing the plans through the previously organized resources and controlling means to evaluate results obtained and adjust accordingly.[1]

Key Functions

Organizational management comprises of the following activities or functions:

  • Planning: setting goals and objectives and developing strategies to achieve them.
  • Organizing: arranging and structuring resources (people, finances, equipment) to accomplish goals.
  • Staffing: recruiting, hiring, and training employees.
  • Directing: providing direction and guidance to employees to accomplish goals.
  • Controlling: monitoring progress and making adjustments as necessary to ensure goals are met.
  • Budgeting: allocating financial resources and tracking expenses.
  • Risk management: identifying and mitigating potential threats to the organization.
  • Coordination: Ensuring different departments and functions work together effectively
  • Communication: Facilitating communication and information flow among different levels of management and employees.

See Also
