
Value Streams

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What are Value Streams?

Value streams refer to the series of activities and processes that are required to create value for customers. In a business context, value streams can be thought of as the end-to-end process of transforming raw materials or inputs into finished products or services that are delivered to customers.

The goal of value stream mapping is to identify and eliminate waste in the value stream, so that the organization can deliver value to customers as efficiently as possible. Value stream mapping involves analyzing the flow of materials, information, and resources through the value stream and identifying opportunities to streamline processes and remove unnecessary steps.

There are several key components of value streams, including:

  • Value-adding activities: These are the activities that directly contribute value to the final product or service.
  • Non-value-adding activities: These are the activities that do not directly contribute value to the final product or service, but are necessary for the value stream to function.
  • Waste: These are activities that do not add value and can be eliminated from the value stream.

By identifying and eliminating waste in the value stream, organizations can improve efficiency, reduce costs, and increase customer satisfaction. In addition, value stream mapping can help organizations to identify bottlenecks and other constraints in the value stream, which can be addressed to improve flow and increase overall performance.

See Also
