
Boundary Value Analysis

Boundary Value Analysis is a widely used technique in software testing to ensure that the system behaves as expected in response to valid and invalid inputs. This method identifies potential bugs which are likely to occur at the boundaries of an input domain, such as minimum and maximum values for a given range. Additionally, Boundary Value Analysis helps testers identify minimal test cases for field validations by defining boundary values such as Min-1, and Max+1. By using this technique to identify potential errors and weaknesses in software systems, developers can improve the overall quality of their products before they are released.

The benefits of using BVA include that it considers negative and positive values and even the minimum and maximum values, it enables the testing team to create better test cases, it is useful for finding defects at the boundaries of a partition, and it can be used for a range of data sets. By utilizing BVA in software testing, organizations can ensure greater accuracy in their results.

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