
Core Group Theory

The core group, as described in Art Kleiner’s recent book Who Really Matters: The Core Group Theory of Power, Privilege, and Success, isn’t just the people at the top of the hierarchy; it is that group of people in any company whose interests and priorities are taken into account by people who make decisions. Organizations may espouse all sorts of values and ideals, from enhancing shareholder value to fostering a better workplace or making a better world; but when the chips are down, they’ll move first and foremost to help the core group.[1]

See Also

Core Group Theory is a concept in sociology that focuses on understanding the formation and influence of small, cohesive groups within larger social structures.

  • Social Cohesion: Social cohesion refers to the degree of unity and solidarity within a group or society. Core Group Theory often examines how cohesive smaller groups form and function within larger social contexts.
  • Group Dynamics: Group dynamics refers to the patterns of interaction, communication, and behavior within a group. Core Group Theory explores how the dynamics of core groups influence the overall functioning of larger social systems.
  • Social Structure: Social structure refers to the organized pattern of relationships and institutions within a society. Core Group Theory considers how core groups contribute to shaping and maintaining social structures through their actions and interactions.
  • Leadership: Leadership plays a significant role within core groups, as individuals may emerge as leaders and exert influence over group members. Core Group Theory may examine how leadership dynamics within core groups impact decision-making and group cohesion.
  • In-group and Out-group Dynamics: Core Group Theory may explore how core groups define boundaries between members (in-group) and non-members (out-group). Understanding these dynamics can shed light on issues related to identity, belonging, and exclusion within social systems.
