
Sales Funnel

A sales funnel is the marketing term for the journey that potential customers go through on the way to purchase. There are several steps to a sales funnel, usually known as the top, middle, and bottom of the funnel, although these steps may vary depending on a company's sales model.[1]

The typical sales funnel is divided into multiple steps, which differ depending on the particular sales model. One of the most common ways of dividing a sales funnel possesses seven phases including:

  • Awareness Phase – in which prospects become aware of the existence of a solution.
  • Interest Phase – in which prospects demonstrate interest in a product by conducting product research.
  • Evaluation Phase – in which prospects or prospect companies examine competitors’ solutions as they inch toward a final buying decision.
  • Decision Phase – In which a final decision is reached and negotiation begins.
  • Purchase Phase – in which goods or services are purchased.
  • Reevaluation Phase – in B2B sales it’s common for offerings to involve contracts that need to be renewed. As a customer becomes familiar with an offering, and especially as a contract draws to a close, a customer will enter a reevaluation phase during which they’ll decide whether or not to renew their contract.
  • Repurchase Phase – in which a customer repurchases a product or service.[2]

The Stages of Sales Funnel
source: UpLead

See Also

AIDA Model
