
Von Neumann Architecture

As the name would imply, the term Von Neumann Architecture was created by John Von Neumann. Von Neumann was a Jewish computer scientist who escaped the Nazi regime in Europe. Von Neumann worked with a variety of computer scientists and first met Alan Turing in the mid-1930s, during which he became familiar with Turing's ideas of inventing the computer that could be used for storage. As a biography of Von Neumann notes, this interaction would inspire the Architecture. After working on a variety of projects – including the Manhattan Project – Von Neumann first came across the ENAIC. The ENAIC was one of the world's first programmable computers and was capable of executing multiple tasks. It was also fully programable, meaning that unlike more common computers at the time, it could complete multiple tasks. While working at the Moore School of Engineering in Philadelphia, Von Neumann first wrote a report on the proposed digital design of computers. In this report, Von Neumann would lay out the first model for these computers. This model would propose how computers should operate in order to be programmable and reprogrammable. This Architecture is also known as the Princeton Architecture because of Von Neumann's affiliation with Princeton. John von Neumann laid out the first model for the Von Neumann Architecture computers. This model proposed how computers should operate in order to be programmable and reprogrammable . The definition of Von Neuman Architecture originally referred to the specific proposed architecture of a computer's architecture, as written by John von Neumann in 1945. The definition has since evolved to refer to specific types of computers. One of the primary characteristics of these computers is that their data operations and instrument fetch processes can occur at the same time – something that was previously impossible until the implementation of the Von Neumann Architecture.[1]

See Also
