

What is EPIC ADVISERS Model?

The EPIC ADVISERS Model is a framework for understanding and improving group decision-making and problem-solving processes. It was developed by social psychologist J. Scott Armstrong and is based on the idea that effective group decision-making requires the presence of certain factors, which Armstrong refers to as EPIC ADVISERS:

  • Expertise: Group members should have the necessary knowledge and skills to contribute to the decision-making process.
  • Processes: The group should follow a structured and systematic process for making decisions, such as brainstorming, voting, or consensus building.
  • Incentives: The group should have clear goals and incentives to motivate members to participate and make quality decisions.
  • Communication: The group should have open and effective communication to facilitate the exchange of ideas and information.
  • Alternatives: The group should consider a range of alternative courses of action before making a decision.
  • Decision rules: The group should have clear criteria for evaluating and comparing alternatives.
  • Sizing: The group should be the appropriate size, with enough diversity of perspectives to make well-informed decisions, but not so large that it becomes difficult to reach a consensus.
  • Expert opinion: The group should seek and consider the input of outside experts or advisors when appropriate.
  • Role of the leader: The group's leader should facilitate the decision-making process and ensure that all group members have the opportunity to contribute.

The EPIC ADVISERS Model provides a useful checklist for evaluating and improving group decision-making processes in organizations. It emphasizes the importance of considering a range of factors that can affect the quality of group decisions, and of using structured and systematic processes to facilitate effective problem-solving.

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