
IT Audit (Information Technology Audit)

What is an Information Technology Audit?

An Information Technology Audit is an important process used to examine and evaluate the information technology assets and controls of an organization. The purpose of this audit is to ensure that the security protocols and processes are effective, data integrity is maintained, and that business governance is sound. An IT Auditor acts as an unbiased observer who will make sure all necessary controls are in place, so any unlikely event that threatens the health or reputation of the examined business can be addressed quickly.

An information technology audit also called an IT audit or computer systems audit is the evaluation of an organization's ability to manage its technology resources. The assessment can be internal or external and may cover all aspects of the company's IT infrastructure, including hardware, software, networks, and security. As businesses become increasingly reliant on technology to operate and grow, it is essential to have a strong understanding of how well your systems are working. An information technology audit can help you identify areas where your company needs to improve its IT management.

An information technology audit is typically conducted by an outside firm or consultant. The auditor will review your company's IT policies and procedures, interview employees, and observe the systems in action. After the assessment is complete, the auditor will provide a report with recommendations for improvement. While an information technology audit can be costly and time-consuming, it is an important part of ensuring that your business has a strong foundation for growth.

IT Audit (Information Technology Audit) is the process of collecting and evaluating evidence of the management of controls over an organization’s information systems, practices, controls and operations. The evaluation of evidence obtained through the IT audit process determines if the information systems are safeguarding assets, maintaining data integrity and operating effectively to achieve the organization’s goals and objectives. This may include traditional audits of technology processes and components as well as integrated audits for audit activities, technology-dependent regulatory processes (e.g., privacy) or data analytics support.[1]

IT audit is a critical component of IT Governance. It provides organizations with the information and evidence they need to make informed decisions about their IT operations and manage IT risks effectively. By conducting regular IT audits, organizations can ensure that their IT systems and processes are aligned with their overall business goals and effectively manage their IT risks.

See Also


  1. Definition - What Does IT Audit (Information Technology Audit) Mean? Protiviti