Gartner's Market Share Analysis
Market Share is one of the most important metrics used by executives in any business. Gartner's Market Share Analysis methodology helps clients understand how share is allocated among technology providers in key markets. Gartner's detailed analysis of how provider revenue is distributed reveals what types of solutions are succeeding, which are trailing and where opportunities exist for providers to take additional share.[1]
Gartner's approach to Market Share Analysis combines primary surveys and vendor briefings with secondary research such as public financial disclosures, industry trade association material and government statistics.
See Also
Gartner's Hype Cycle Methodology
Gartner's PACE Layered Application Strategy
Gartner Business Value Model
Gartner Magic Quadrant
Gartner's MarketScopes
Gartner Vendor Rating
Gartner Market Forecast
Gartner's Market Share Analysis